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Which games are safe for your child to play and which expose them to gambling risks? It can be hard to work out. There is currently no consistent way for parents or players to easily know which games have gambling-like features in them.

Parents can check the type of content that games contain by looking up the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) age-rating system. They can also see whether or not in-game purchasing is available – but gambling-like features are not explicitly highlighted. This means it is especially important for you to take some time to read up on the games your child enjoys playing and find out what they’re seeing.

Many games, like the popular battle royale game Fortnite, or Candy Crush, appear harmless, with their cartoonish characters and settings, but they may still offer players loot boxes — and many people are concerned that these are introducing children to gambling. By getting to know the games your child plays, you will be more aware of the potential risks and what controls and support may be in place so that you can take steps to ensure that they stay safer.

For more information, you can download further guidance produced by The Parent Zone.