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 A Building Resilience workshop will be taking place for parents on Tuesday 15th October. Please read on for further information. 

What is Resilience and Emotional Well Being?

Resilience is our ability to cope when life throws problems and difficult circumstances our way. It is often referred to as our ability to bounce back, or ‘doing better than you’d think given the circumstances’. Being resilient doesn’t mean that we are always happy-obviously when we are going through really difficult times we might not feel happy, but if we are resilient we can find a way to get the help and support we need. It means that we can think about how to solve our problems and see a light at the end of the tunnel. We can teach people the skills to be more resilient and this is what we want for our children.

How Can I support My Child to Build Their Own resilience?

We will be running a free BUILDING EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE workshop for parents on:

Tuesday 15th October

9.15am – 11.15am

At Sir John Cass and Red Coat School

Refreshments will be provided

All parents welcome

If you would like to take part in this workshop please email or call 020 7790 6712 ext. 222 by Friday 11th October.